Adult earwigs are flattened insects, up to 1-1/4 inches long. Their color ranges from red-brown to black. They are active at night and scavenge on dead insects and plant materials. During the day they hide under stones, boards, sidewalks, or debris.
The males have curved forcept-like appendages they primarily use for defense and during courtship. They are not able to hurt people. The females appendages are smaller and less curved.

Eggs are layed in small batches in a chamber two to three inches beneath the surface. Moisture is required for the eggs and young. The mother will guard and protect the eggs and newly hatched young. After the first molt the young will leave and fend for themselves.
Earwigs are nuisance pest and are easily controlled with an exterior treatment.

For long term control an
EVERY OTHER MONTH or QUARTERLY treatment will be

888 292-7387

Sowbugs and pillbugs are not insects, they are crustaceans. Both are slow-moving and are closely related to crayfish, lobsters and shrimps.
Sowbugs are oval to slightly elongated with a flattened body and are up to 3/4 inch long. Their color with vary from brownish to slate grey. They have seven pairs of legs and plates of overlapping armour. They have well developed eyes and tail-like appendages.
Pillbugs are also oval to slightly elongated and are up to 3/4 inch long. They have well developed eyes with seven pairs of legs. They too have overlapping armour and range in color from brownish to grey.
The big difference is that pillbugs can roll up into a ball when disturbed. Pillbugs are offen called roly-polys.
Both crustaceans mate throughout the year. The females carry the eggs in a brood pouch on the underside of her body. There can be between 10 to 200 in the pouch.
Once the young hatch they will stay in the brood pouch for six to eight weeks until they can fend for themselves.

These creatures live outside in moist areas, feeding on decaying organic matter. They are a nuisance problem and when they enter homes they will soon die without adequate moisture.
When they become a problem they are easily control with an exterior treatment.

For long term control either an
EVERY OTHER MONTH or QUARTERLY treatment is needed.

888 292-7287
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