Buy The Forgotten Horses photo book: $45.00
50% of the price helps support the horses at Orphan Acres as a tax deductible, charitable contribution. Photographs by Tony Stromberg taken at eighteen horse rescues and sanctuaries across the U.S., each listed in the back of the book. The cover photo features Orphan Acres horses. Foreword by Robert Redford. Published September 2008. Hardbound, 200 pages, 11” x 12”, 4 lbs.

We would like to thank Tony Stromberg for the effort and dedication he has put into producing this memorable book and for helping to bring more awareness of abused, neglected and abandoned horses to the general public. We are proud to be represented in this inspiring compilation and are grateful for the opportunity to offer the book for sale. We appreciate that 50% of the proceeds goes directly to help the horses at Orphan Acres. Tony's other works can be viewed at: www.tonystromberg.com.

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To purchase book with check or money order:
$45 + $8
Media Mail: $53 per book
$45 + $13 Priority Mail: $58 per book

Mail to: Orphan Acres, Inc., 1183 Rothfork Road, Viola, ID 83872

Please include name and address with your order. Email us to order 2 or more books or for orders outside the U.S.

Website design donated by: Designwestgraphics.com

Videos donated by: Marshaquesera.com

Web space donated by: Cactus Computer

© 2008-2010 Orphan Acres, Inc. | www.orphanacres.org

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