Our location

Orphan Acres
1183 Rothfork Road
Viola, Idaho 83872

Please give us a call at (208) 882-9293 before you come, so we'll know when to expect you. We look forward to seeing you!

Google Map Directions

To get to Orphan Acres, take US-95 to Viola, Idaho.

Turn east onto Viola Road, then make an immediate right onto Rothfork Road.

Continue on Rothfork (going around an almost immediate 90 degree turn to the left) until it dead ends into our driveway where you'll see three signs, including a No Trespassing notice.

Continue up the driveway and park anywhere that isn't blocking the road. Then come on up to the house and let us know you're here. If no one is in the house, try the barn or the pastures.

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Web space donated by: Cactus Computer

© 2008-2015 Orphan Acres, Inc. |

Click here to donate via Pay Pal. Thank you!

To donate by check or money order please mail to:
Orphan Acres, Inc.
1183 Rothfork Road
Viola, ID 83872

Orphan Acres is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your gifts and donations are tax deductible.
