We specialize in quickly obtaining benefits for medically needy seniors who are about to enter a nursing home.
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Do you need immediate financial help for nursing facility care?
Is this your scenar io?
...Crisis moment!
"Dad's Medicare skilled nursing days ran out! Now we are facing a private pay rate costing $7,000 monthly. His social worker recommended applying for Medi-Cal Long Term Care. I called the county, went through the long voice menu, then was disconnected after the long wait. Who can we call for help to solve this quickly?
After a web search I found Senior Medi-Benefits who gave me a free phone consultation, clarifying all my questions. We used their services and here's why..."
- A Relieved Client
As Your Partner Senior Medi-Benefits Will:
- Get you Medi-Cal eligibility the earliest month possible
- Provide you with family consultations along with insurance and financial evaluations
- Advise you how to comply with the stringent eligibility requirements
- Become your Authorized Representative with the County to attain Medi-Cal benefits for nursing home care
- Support you with follow through services until Medi-Cal eligibility is granted
- Correct county errors when they occur
Here is how we can help you protect your assets right now if you or your loved one are about to enter a nursing home.
Contact us today if you need immediate Long Term Care Medi-Cal Benefits! Our staff knows how to cut through the red tape! We specialize in quickly obtaining benefits for medically needy seniors who are about to enter a nursing home. We make sure your moves are the right ones while preventing incorrect actions that could cause financial loss!
Crisis Management for Medi-Cal Long Term Care Immediate need benefits, most likely for those individuals who have endured the catastrophic health moment going from healthy to incapacitated and now in need of period after 24/7 care. We are experienced working for the adult children of the elderly.
If your loved one requires Immediate Need Benefits, call us today to begin the process to get the eligibility: 888 789-4589

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