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Assisting Eldercare Professionals It could be difficult for individuals working in the following fields to also become Medi-Cal experts, including understanding current and future regulations.
At Senior Medi-Benefits we feel that if you, as a professional, have any type of fiduciary or similar responsibility to a client, and the client's issues become very difficult and specific to Medi-Cal, then please Contact Us. We are a state-wide organization which can help professionals with their clients. As a referral business we particularly like to have good relationships with top professionals in the following fields:
Conservators/Public Guardians
If one of your SSD or SSI-Medi-Cal clients receives an inheritance or any lump sum payment, call us to discuss a way to help your client keep his/her eligibility plus the inheritance.
Family & Elder Law Attorneys
After you have implemented the appropriate legal strategy for families, there is still the need to work with the county to get the Medi-Cal eligibility granted. We can be your Medi-Cal application and financial planning partner.
PDF DOWNLOAD: How we ally with attorneys.
Geriatric Care Managers
Since you are on the front line working with families who are doing everything they can to keep their loved one at home, you also know when emotional and financial stress becomes overwhelming. We can be a good resource for families who need questions answered about how to approach future decisions.
Hospital Social Workers & Case Managers
We can provide answers to the families who turn to you with questions regarding financial arrangements and the possibility of LTC Medi-Cal. Call us with questions that you have, or contact us to get brochures that you can give to the families.
Hospital Discharge Planners
We can be a good resource for you as you discuss options with families. Contact us to get brochures that you can hand out.
PDF DOWNLOAD: A sample In-Service presentation we give to hospital administrators, social workers, case managers, and discharge planners. The presentation explains how Senior Medi-Benefits can smooth this fast-paced decision process.
Nursing Home Administrators
We have experience solving the difficult cases that you face. Call us when you have a patient who is running out of money but the family doesn't know who to turn to for advice on how to keep paying for care.
Financial Planners & Insurance Agents
Call us to discuss the plans that you want to implement for your clients to make sure that they meet current California State guidelines. We can also be your Medi-Cal application partner.

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