By joining the Special Needs Pooled Trust, you can keep existing benefits while retaining access to your money.
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Our Special Needs Pooled Trust Can Help!
Elation can suddenly turn to fear if you are a Medi-Cal or SSI recipient receiving a lump sum of money in the mail due to an inheritance or other settlement. SSI is your monthly income and Medi-Cal your health insurance! You don't need to lose either when you join our Special Needs Pooled Trust administered by Senior Medi-Benefits acting as your Trustee.
Call us now if you are, or expect to be in this situation.
The SMB Special Needs Pooled Trust protects and preserves many lump sum distributions received by: SSI qualified disabled individuals under 65 years, Medi-Cal qualified seniors over 65 years old, and SSDI qualified disabled individuals who also receive general assistance Medi-Cal.
By joining the SMB Special Needs Pooled Trust you can keep your existing benefits while retaining access to your money for supplemental needs.
The SMB Special Needs Pooled Trust
- Protects you from loss of existing benefits
- Allows for the use of a lump sum distribution, such as inheritance or a settlement for your continuing supplemental needs
- Meets guidelines for both SSI and Medi-Cal recipients
- Was created pursuant to 42 U.S.C.1396p(d)(4)(C) for persons with disabilities defined in SSA 42 U.S.C.1382c(a)(3).
Call today to learn how the Trust can preserve your distribution:
888 789-4589
New Pooled Trust Downloads!

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