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July 25, 2013
Senior Medi-Benefits
Presents Our New Website!
After 300,000 page loads, Senior Medi-Benefits is proud to announce an upgraded and entirely new website featuring classic illustrations from artist and honorary board member Art Van Rhyn.
"We first used Art's drawings for an illustrated manual in 1998 funded with a grant from the Evelyn and Walter Haas Foundation," said Co-Founder Arleen Goodwin. "We are now using the illustrations again to convey the situations that everyone is encountering as they navigate the bureaucracies. The illustrations link directly from the home page to related information, giving the website an intuitive and interactive feel."
"The new website communicates the intricacies of Medi-Cal in an easily accessible format designed to directly answer our clients' concerns," said Website Designer Barbara Alexander of DesignwestGraphics.com.
June 1, 2012
The Annual Senior Medi-Benefits Board of Directors Meeting
At the annual meeting, held June 1, 2012, three new members were added to the board: Arleen Goodwin, SMB Co-Founder and Director; Paul Hunt, Estate Planning Attorney in Alameda, and Joan Kloehn, SMB Co-Founder.
They joined current board members Sharon Kaufman PhD, SMB Board President, UCSF Gerontologist; Henry C. Levy CPA, SMB Treasurer; John Deck, longest service record with over eighteen years as a SMB board member.
The new Senior Medi-Benefits Board of Directors thanked Joan Lewerenz who resigned from her position after sixteen years of service. Please click here to learn more about our Board.
July, 2011 Explaining Eligibility Requirements: Community Presentation
Arleen Goodwin at the Progressive Baptist Church, Oakland, CA.

January 25, 2010
The Senior Medi-Benefits Special Needs Pooled Trust
Three new PDF downloads are now available, to help people understand The SMB Special Needs Pooled Trust. In "Defining Supplemental Needs" we explain what expenses qualify as supplemental needs. In the more thorough "Special Needs Trust FAQs" we answer a wide range of questions asked by the audience during the 'Legal Aid Association of California: Armchair Training on Special Needs Trust Webinar' on December 3, 2009.
From the same program, we are also publishing the "SMB Special Needs Pooled Trust Presentation", which explains the trust from the client-side perspective and by functionality. Click here for information.
September 20, 2009
Volunteer Opportunities!
A new Volunteer program channel has been set up through the SMB website. "We have always had an active group of young and old volunteers," said Founder Arleen Goodwin, "It is a Senior Medi-Benefits tradition to train people to effectively help seniors and elders."
September 9, 2009
CAP Growth!
Senior Medi-Benefits announced today an expansion of the Community Action Program: CAP. "We tallied the free consultations and pro-bono case work done on behalf of California's neediest elders and disabled, and realized we needed to keep growing in order to meet the real needs of California's elderly population. "In 2009 we will perform over 1200 free consultations, the most ever," said Matt Olesen, Executive Director.
August 25, 2009
Program Launch: VA Benefits Services now offered by SMB!
Senior Medi-Benefits announced the VA Benefits services program launch. "We complete a family, benefits, and financial analysis, then create a strategy for how to apply and gain eligibility," said Senior Case Strategist Andrea Kauppila, whose work in this area stretches back nearly a decade. The program is available to wartime vets and surviving spouses.
July 21, 2009
200,000 Page Loads!
The www.seniormedi-benefits.org website passed 200,000 page loads since its revamp and launch in 2005. The design objective is to appeal both to consumers and professionals. Senior Medi-Benefits is striving to deliver timely and accurate information to seniors, elders, and their families, and the web is a powerful channel, which we intend to expand and grow.

Website by designwestgraphics.com