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Call: 888 789-4589

Helpful Contacts
Social Security: 800 772-1213

Alzheimer's Foundation: 866 232-8484

Medicare Fraud and Abuse: 877 601-9542

Medi-Cal Fraud and Abuse: 800 822-6222

HICAP: 800 434-0222
Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program
Answers to health insurance questions

Drug Discount Directory:
Directory of free drug discount cards could help save on prescriptions.


Medi-Cal Dental News Update!
Denti-Cal Coverage Has Been Partially Restored
by Mari Edlin, California Healthline Regional Correspondent
June 13, 2013

Legislative leaders and Gov. Jerry Brown (D) agreed on a budget plan this week that restores partial funding for dental services in Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program.

Northern California legislators and dental providers have been at the forefront of a campaign over the past four years to get dental coverage for Medi-Cal adults restored. For many advocates and stakeholders, this week's budget news was considered a partial victory. Although not the complete restoration of $131 million sought, the state plans to spend about $16.9 million this fiscal year and $77 million next year on dental coverage.

The money will provide preventive care, dental restorations and full dentures for adult beneficiaries of Medi-Cal.

Restoring the adult coverage in Denti-Cal was considered a priority for CA Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, (D - Sacramento), "Dental care is so essential to physical health and employability," Steinberg said. "The current alternatives are gum disease and use of hospital emergency rooms at the expense of taxpayers, which is unacceptable."

Lindsey Robinson, a pediatric dentist in Grass Valley and president of the California Dental Association, called the agreement "a significant achievement in the effort to restore all adult Denti-Cal services and a step in the right direction to address the oral health care crisis facing millions of Californians."

